This blog has moved

March 1, 2010

This blog has moved to my own domain at iPhoneca now with iPad using WordPress.

iPhone Storyboarding App

January 3, 2010

One way to unleash your creativity is to have a fast and easy way of visualizing your stories. Previously this has mostly been done with pencil and paper sketches but now it can be done with your iphone or ipod touch portable device through the Cenemek Storyboard composer. The product which also is identified as Hitchcock as a tribute to the famous director, starts from photos for the various scenes which you can then annotate, reframe, plan transitions, and include figures to stand in for missing characters. Your story can be exported as a pdf document.

33 things you don’t need if you have an iPhone

November 28, 2009

As the Christmas commercialism moves into high gear think about all the things you don’t need because you have an iPhone.

33 things you don’t need if you have an iPhone

(Via TUAW.)

iPhone Web apps

November 26, 2009

Some apps you don’t have to get from the Apple ITunes store. Web apps can be opened in mobile Safari and added to the home screen.

Apple – Web apps – All Categories

(Via Apple site.)

pic2shop barcode scanner

November 24, 2009

pic2shop is a free barcode scanner that lets you scan products and comparison shop by looking up prices from various sources on the Internet.

It makes so much sense to have a multi-functional portable computer rather than many special purpose devices. This is another example of how Apple adds value to their iPhone platform by facilitating easy download of free and for pay applications through iTunes.

(Via iTunes.)

The iPhone: Tricorder Version 1.0?

November 18, 2009

All star trek fans are familiar with the tricorder that crew members used to do scans of alien worlds. Thinking of the iPhone as a first generation tricorder is an interesting perspective on what the iPhone could be used for and what additional capabilities could evolve in the future as other small sensors are added to the device. Recent operating system improvements have also opened up third party sensors which can interface with the iPhone to use it as a ubiquitous presentation layer for sound and video feedback.

The iPhone: Tricorder Version 1.0?

(Via O’Reilly Radar.)

Discovering Great iPhone Apps: 5 Recommendation Services Compared

November 4, 2009

Discovering Great iPhone Apps: 5 Recommendation Services Compared:

There are so many Apps now that we need to compare the recommendation services.

(Via ReadWriteWeb.)


• Best mobile interface: App Genius, Apple’s own service inside the app store.

• Best web interface: Appolicious is awesome.

• Best sharing: Appsfire.

Launch the app, click some of your apps you want to share with someone, then the share button opens an email with Appsfire links to all the selected apps.

There is no clear winner when it comes to recommendation quality.

Note that not all Apps recommended by these services are necessarily available in Canada since they are based on the US store. Some might be delayed and some are not available at all.

iPhone Sound settings

October 16, 2009

Go into Settings-Sounds-New Mail to turn off notifications of new emails. This will reduce interruptions so you can concentrate and also extend your battery life.

Go into Settings-Sounds-Keyboard Clicks to turn off clicking as you press keys. People in meetings will be happy you are not creating a distraction while you are taking notes.

Google Wave Goes Full Screen for iPhone

October 15, 2009

“Just like with any Web page on the iPhone, you can save a bookmark on your Home screen, and it creates a little icon which launches mobile Safari to that page. When you save the Wave bookmark to your Home screen, however, something different happens. You go to Wave, but without the Safari wrapper which allows you to navigate to another page or search the Web. Instead, it looks more like a regular app and there is no way to navigate away from it. Everything else works the same as in the mobile browser version.”

(Via The iPhone Blog.)

New iPhone Magazine

October 14, 2009

There is a new magazine launched that is dedicated to the iPhone platform – “iPhone Life”. You can get more information at their web site or on your iPhone.