Richard Solo iPhone Battery Charger

November 25, 2008

Over at the Daring Fireball blog John Gruber has an update on his review of the Richard Solo iPhone battery charger. The 1800 model has a bit nicer design, a locking mechanism for connection to the iPhone, and more power so it can fully recharge the iPhone.

The new battery charger also can charge iPods and has a flashlight and laser pointer capability.

Richard Solo 1800 review

The Richard Solo 1800 sells for $70 US (currently $86.06 + $4.30 GST = $90.36 CDN total) and ships to Canada for free.

Richard Solo web site

Wide Email Text editing

November 25, 2008

One of my favorite Macworld columnists, Dan Frakes, does a review of iPhone wide screen email editors and gives Wide Email from Lizzardwerks the highest rating.

For only a $1 you not only get to compose messages in landscape mode but you also get productivity boosters like text macros (ala textexpander on the Mac) and the ability to compose email templates.

First iPhone Tip: Screen Capture

November 4, 2008

The first tip is how to capture a screen shot from your iPhone so you can write blog posts that include pictures.

First press and hold the home button (shown circled in red below).

iphone home button

Then press and release the sleep/wake button at the top right corner of the iPhone to take your screen shot which is saved to the photo albums camera roll.

iphone sleep wake button

Additional iPhone tips can be found at the Apple site.