MobileMe iDisk App

July 31, 2009

Apple has released a free MobileMe iDisk app to use from your iPhone to view and share files. This is really handy to have key files readily available for viewing away from the office. I was keen to find out how well Keynote presentations can be shown on the iPhone screen and I was pleasantly surprised how clear they are for properly designed slides. In fact this is a good test whether your slides are designed well for the big projection screen. They should be usable on your iPhone too if you don’t put too much information and too small text.

Check out the iDisk MobilemMe iPhone app video for its file sharing capabilities. These new features like the also almost free ($0.99) Keynote Remote presentation controller app and iTunes remote app add a lot of value to an existing investment in Apple products. The performance of MobileMe service itself has been uneven with frequent outages and a sync capability that often doesn’t work in my experience. There has also been a lot of controversy regarding often arbitrary iPhone App store app approval policies. Here is hoping that Apple applies some of its product quality control to its services before they spoil what could be valuable assets.